问题2054--Rectangular Rectitude

2054: Rectangular Rectitude

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时间限制 : 5.000 sec  内存限制 : 64 MB


Starting with an initial colorless background, we will paint a sequence of potentially overlapping, horizontally-aligned rectangles of various colors. The problem is to determine the exposed area of a given color.


The input data file contains a collection of independent datasets. The first line of each dataset contains two numbers. The first number is an integer 0 <= n <= 1000 specifying the number of rectangles that follow. The second number is a positive integer 0 < c < 8, representing the color whose exposed area we want to determine. Each of the next n lines of the dataset contains information about a rectangle, and the lines are given in order of the painting sequence. The first number on the line is an integer 0 < c' < 8, representing the rectangle's color. The next two integer values on the line are respectively the x- and y-coordinates of any corner of the rectangle. The last two integer values are respectively the x- and y-coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangle. All coordinates lie in the range from -100 to +100 inclusively. The end of input will be indicated by a dataset with n = 0. This dataset should not be processed.


For each dataset, the output of your program will be a single line containing the string "The area of color x in dataset y is: " followed by a single integer representing the area (in square units) of the exposed color specified in the dataset.

样例输入 Copy

4 2
2 6 0 0 4
4 1 -4 3 -1
2 3 3 8 7
5 2 -2 4 6
1 5
7 0 0 1 1
2 3
3 0 0 2 2
4 0 0 1 1
0 1

样例输出 Copy

The area of color 2 in dataset 1 is: 31
The area of color 5 in dataset 2 is: 0
The area of color 3 in dataset 3 is: 3
