
2304: Cup

[命题人 : ]
时间限制 : 1.000 sec  内存限制 : 64 MB


A twodimensional rectangular cup full of (two-dimensional) water is inclined a little bit.Your task is to calculate how much water pours out.


Each line of the input file describes one test case. The lines contain three integers w, h and α ( 0 < w, h < 1000, 0 <= α <= 90 ):the width and the height of the cup and the angle by which the cup is inclined. The input is terminated by a line containing three zeros. This line should not be processed.


For each test case output a line containing only one number the amount of water poured out. Print the number exact to two digits to the right of the decimal point.

样例输入 Copy

20 35 30
10 10 45
0 0 0

样例输出 Copy
