问题 F: 最大公约数和最小公倍数

问题 F: 最大公约数和最小公倍数

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Given 2 positive integer x(1<=x<=1000) and y(1<=y<=1000), you are to count the Greatest Common Divisor and the Lease Common Multiple of x and y.


there are multi test cases. x and y, one line for each test.


Output the Greatest Common Divisor and the Lease Common Multiple of x and y in one line for each test.

样例输入 Copy

12 18
3 9

样例输出 Copy

6 36
3 9


学几个单词: Greatest Common Divisor 最大公约数 Lease Common Multiple 最小公倍数 positive integer 正整数 最大公约数可以用辗转相除法 最小公倍数=x*y/最大公约数 例题:辗转相除法求gcd(326,78) 326=4×78+14...........(78,14) 78=5×14+8.............(14,8) 14=1×8+6..............(8,6) 8=1×6+2...............(6,2) 6=3×2+0...............(2,0) 所以gcd(326,78)=2 用while循环来实现 while(y!=0) { }