
1764: Factovisors

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The factorial function, n! is defined thus for n a non-negative integer: 0! = 1 n! = n * (n-1)! (n > 0) We say that a divides b if there exists an integer k such that k*a = b


The input to your program consists of several lines, each containing two non-negative integers, n and m, both less than 2^31.


For each input line, output a line stating whether or not m divides n!, in the format shown below.

样例输入 Copy

6 9
6 27
20 10000
20 100000
1000 1009

样例输出 Copy

9 divides 6!
27 does not divide 6!
10000 divides 20!
100000 does not divide 20!
1009 does not divide 1000!
