Consider a data structure called BUT (Binary and/or Unary Tree). A BUT is defined inductively as follows:
- Let l be a letter of the English alphabet, either lowercase or uppercase (in the sequel, we say simply "a letter"). Then, the object that consists only of l, designating l as its label, is a BUT. In this case, it is called a 0-ary BUT.
- Let l be a letter and C a BUT. Then, the object that consists of l and C, designating l as its label and C as its component, is a BUT. In this case, it is called a unary BUT.
- Let l be a letter, L and R BUTs. Then, the object that consists of l, L and R, designating l as its label, L as its left component, and R as its right component, is a BUT. In this case, it is called a binary BUT.
A BUT can be represented by an expression in the following way.
- When a BUT B is 0-ary, its representation is the letter of its label.
- When a BUT B is unary, its representation is the letter of its label followed by the parenthesized representation of its component.
- When a BUT B is binary, its representation is the letter of its label, a left parenthesis, the representation of its left component, a comma, the representation of its right component, and a right parenthesis, arranged in this order.
Here are examples:
Such an expression is concise, but a diagram is much more appealing to our eyes. We prefer a diagram:
D H i
- ---
c E g
--- -
B f
to the expression a(B(c(D),E),f(g(H,i))).
Your mission is to write a program that converts the expression representing a BUT into its diagram. We want to keep a diagram as compact as possible assuming that we display it on a conventional character terminal with a fixed pitch font such as Courier. Let's define the diagram D for a BUT B inductively along the structure of B as follows:
- When B is 0-ary D consists only of a letter of its label. The letter is called the root of D, and also called the leaf of D.
- When B is unary, D consists of a letter l of its label, a minus symbol S, and the diagram C for its component, satisfying the following constraints:
- l is just below S.
- The root of C is just above S.
l is called the root of D, and the leaves of C are called the leaves of D.
- When B is binary D consists of a letter l of its label, a sequence of minus symbols S, the diagram L for its left component, and the diagram R for its right component, satisfying the following constraints:
- S is contiguous, and is in a line.
- l is just below the central minus symbol of S, where, if the center of S locates on a minus symbol s, s is the central, and if the center of S locates between adjacent minus symbols, the left one of them is the
- The root of L is just above the leftmost minus symbol of S, and the root of R is just above the rightmost minus symbol of S.
- In any line of D, L and R do not touch or overlap each other.
- No minus symbols are just above the leaves of L and R.
l is called the root of D, and the leaves of L and R are called the leaves of D.