
2303: Y2K

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时间限制 : 1.000 sec  内存限制 : 64 MB


A big software company (which does not want to be mentioned here by name) has not yet made its software Year-2000 compliant. Now, there is not much time left, so they want you to write a program that automatically removes all year-2000-bugs(Y2K-bugs).


The input file contains a program written in Obfuscal. This language uses a very modern method to avoid compile-time errors: Any sequence of ASCII characters ending with "END"(and not containing "END" anywhere else) can be compiled. Due to the width of the screens used by the software company, no line of the program will contain more than 131 characters.


Output the same program without any Y2K-bug. A Y2K-bug in Obfuscal is simply a substring "Y2K"(capital Y and K).

样例输入 Copy

WHILE hungry DO
| Go to supermarket;
| IF Banana best before June 20Y2K00
| | Buy Banana;
| | Pay ---"--;
| | Complain about Banana;
| | Sue the supermarket;
| | GET free(Y2K) Banana FROM the managY2Ker;
| Return home before the Year Y2K00;
| Eat Banana;

样例输出 Copy

WHILE hungry DO
| Go to supermarket;
| IF Banana best before June 2000 
| | Buy Banana;
| | Pay ---"--;
| | Complain about Banana;
| | Sue the supermarket;
| | GET free() Banana FROM the manager;
| Return home before the Year 00;
| Eat Banana;