作业比赛编号 : 1215 - ACM初学者水题大作战


服务器时间 : 2025-03-04 13:48:49

作业比赛状态 : 结束于    开放 : 公开
开始时间 : 2009-11-21 15:00:00
结束时间 : 2009-11-22 17:00:00

题目编号 标题 来源/分类 解决 提交
A {A} + {B} hdu计算机学院ACM大学生程序设计竞赛(2006’5) 1 7
B How many students take the elective course? yehr 2 8
C IBM Minus One Southwestern Europe 1997, Practice 1 1
D Climbing Worm East Central North America 2002 practice 0 1
E A Simple Question of Chemistry Mid-Atlantic 2002 0 0
F josephus问题 yhr 0 0
G Encoding Zhejiang Provincial Programming Contest 2005 0 0
H Word Reversal Shanghai Jiaotong University Programming Contest 2004 1 3
I Reverse The Sequence Shanghai Jiaotong University Programming Contest 2004,Practice Session 2 2
J Savings Account Rocky Mountain 2006, Practice 1 1
K GPA Rocky Mountain 2006, Practice 0 0
L Heritage from father hdu1178 2 13
M Prime Factor hdu 0 0
N Delete Number yhr 1 1
O Booklet Printing Mid-Central USA 1998 0 0